Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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Text File
295 lines
| Number of valid menu handles
| (handles 0-9 have special meaning but 10+ are user definable)
| Zap iconbar menu (0)
00 "Zap" 12
"Info " > Infobox
"Options " > 30
"New view " > Newviewlist
"Remove " > Removelist
"New file " > 02
"Create " > 28
"Min. Memory" MinimiseMemory
"Quit " Quit
| Zap window menu (1)
01 "Zap" 10
"File " Save > 10
"Edit " > 12
"Mode " > 03
"View " > 15
"Process " > 14
"Utilities" > 20
"Help " > 27
| File type list menu (2) (also used by menu click on save box)
02 "File type" 15
"Text (&FFF)" Newtype &FFF
"Data (&FFD)" Newtype &FFD
"BASIC (&FFB)" Newtype &FFB
"Module (&FFA)" Newtype &FFA
"Obey (&FEB)" Newtype &FEB
"Desktop (&FEA)" Newtype &FEA
"HTML (&FAF)" Newtype &FAF
"Other " > Typelist
| Mode menu (3)
03 "Mode" 17
"Load mode " > Loadlist
" " Mode 0
" " Mode 1
" " Mode 2
" " Mode 3
" " Mode 4
" " Mode 5
" " Mode 6
" " Mode 7
" " Mode 8
" " Mode 9
" " Mode 10
" " Mode 11
" " Mode 12
" " Mode 13
" " Mode 14
" " Mode 15
" " Mode 16
" " Mode 17
" " Mode 18
" " Mode 19
" " Mode 20
" " Mode 21
" " Mode 22
" " Mode 23
" " Mode 24
" " Mode 25
" " Mode 26
" " Mode 27
" " Mode 28
" " Mode 29
" " Mode 30
" " Mode 31
| Other menus with no specific attatchment (10+)
10 "File" 21
"Save " Quicksave > Save
"Save selection... " Savesel > Savesel
"Print " Printfile > 11
"Change type " > NewType
"DOS text file " DosTextfile
"New view " Newview
"Close file " CloseWindow
11 "Print" 12
"Quick " Quickprint
"Fancy " Printfile
"Dump " Dumpfile
12 "Edit" 14
"Copy " Keepregion
"Cut " Cut
"Paste " Paste
"Clear " Clearsel
"Select all " SelectBuffer
"Undo " Fullundo
"Redo " Redo
"Indent " Indent > Indentby
"Outdent " Outdent
13 "Edit Options" 20
"Tab mode " > 23
"Overwrite " Toggleinsert
"Hex entry " Hexascii
"Word wrap " Wordwrap > Wrapwidth
"Line wrap " Linewrap
"Line edit " Lineedit
"Non standard " Nonstandard
"Auto indent " Autoindent
"Strip spaces " Wformat_alter 18
14 "Process Text" 15
"CR <-> LF " CRLF
"Standard CRLF " LineEnd
"Format text " Formattext > 32
"Strip spaces " Stripspaces 3
"Tabify " Stripspaces 4
"Rot13 " FilterSel "ZF:Rot13"
"Sort " > 33
15 "Display" 13
"Line numbers" > 16
"Tabs " > 17
"Line spacing" > Linespacing
"Font " > 18
"Colours " > Colourlist
"Width " > Setwidth
"Misc " > 19
16 "Line nos" 13
"None " Linenos 0
"Logical " Linenos 1
"Physical " Linenos 2
"Address " Linenos 3
"Hex nos " Togglehex
"Start line " > Startline
"Start addr " > Startaddr
17 "Tabs" 12
"None " Tabdisplay 0
"As spaces" Tabdisplay 1
"⇨ | " Tabdisplay 2
"-----⇨| " Tabdisplay 3
"Tab char " > Tabchar
18 "Font" 18
"Bitmap (scaled ) " Fonttype 1
"Bitmap (at 1dpp) " Fonttype 0
"Bitmap (at 2dpp) " Fonttype 5
"System font " Fonttype 2
"Anti-aliased DSA " Fonttype 3
"Anti-aliased VDU " Fonttype 4
"Bitmap name " Bitmaplist > Bitmaplist
"Anti-aliased name" Bitmaplist > Fontlist
"Anti-aliased size" Bitmaplist > Fontsize
19 "Misc" 12
"Return char " > Returnchar
"Margin " > Margin
"Auto width " Wflags_alter 6
"Big endian " Wformat_toggle 17
20 "Utilities" 17
"Search... " Searchbuf > 24
"Spelling " > 34
"Options " > 30
"Edit Options " > 13
"Insert " > 21
"Commands " > 25
"Copy options " Makedefault
"Pascal compile " PC ""
21 "Insert" 15
"Date " InsertDate > Date
"Time " InsertTime > Date
"Character " > Char
"GSTrans " InsertGS > InsertGS
"Expression " > Eval
22 "Marking" 17
"Toggle mark " Togglemark
"Last mark " Lastmark
"Next mark " Nextmark
"Select " Selregion
23 "Tab mode" 21
"Tab using character " TabMode 0
"Align to text above " TabMode 1
"Align to column tab " TabMode 2 > Columntab
"Display as spaces " TabsAsSpaces
"Toggle " Switchtab
24 "Search" 23
"Goto... " Goto
"Search to window... " Searchbuf
"Search to cursor... " Searchcur
"Replace... " Replace
25 "Commands" 22
"CLI, with Display " Oscli > Oscli
"CLI, no Display " Cli > Cli
"Exit to CLI " Suspend
"Task window " Taskwindow
"Zap Command " Command > Command
"Help on Zap command " HelpCom
26 "Move" 16
"Indirect " Indirect
"Last sector " Lastsector
"Next sector " Nextsector
"Last track " Lasttrack
"Next track " Nexttrack
27 "Help" 17
"Zap " Help "z"
"Key " HelpKey
"Command " HelpCom > HelpCom
"Mode " Help "m"
"Interactive Help" CLI "RunHelp"
28 "Create" 17
"Get module " > Getmodule
"Get workspace " > Getworkspace
"Read memory ... " MzapBox > MzapBox
"Read disc ... " DzapBox > DzapBox
"Task window " Command "Taskwindow"
"Get dynamic area" Getdynamicarea > Getdynamicarea
29 "Program" 22
"Compile " AnyCompile
"List of functions " Listfns
30 "Options" 13
"Save options" Saveoptions
"Misc " > 31
"Mode " > 03
"Display " > 15
"Edit " > 13
"Mini buffer " > Minimenu
"Cursor types" > Cursormenu
"ZapSetup " WimpTask "Run <Zap$3rdParty>.ZapSetup.!ZapSetup"
"Edit keys " FindFile "<Zap$Keys>"
"Reload keys " Reloadkeys
31 "Misc" 17
"Auto-del files " Miscops 0
"Auto-clr regions" Miscops 1
"Undo supported " Toggleundo
"Flashing cursor " Miscops 3
"Check datestamp " Miscops 4
"Auto-clr search " Miscops 5
"Confine cursor " Miscops 6
"Trap MSDOS files" Miscops 7
32 "Format" 17
"Left Justify " FilterSel "ZF:Format -lj -indent 0"
"Right Justify " FilterSel "ZF:Format -rj -indent 0"
"Centre Justify " FilterSel "ZF:Format -ce -indent 0"
"Fully Justify " FilterSel "ZF:Format -fj -indent 0"
"Bulleted list " FilterSel "ZF:Format -fj -l 5 -bu"
33 "Sort" 14
"Ascending " FilterSel "ZF:Sort -ascending -skipspaces -nocase"
"Descending " FilterSel "ZF:Sort -descending -skipspaces -nocase"
34 "Spelling" 19
"Check selection..." ImpressionSpell_Selection
"Check document... " ISpell
"Thesaurus... " WordWorks
"Word count " wc